Library Detail Page for LeTransC5

Short Name:LeTransC5
Organism:Solanum lycopersicum (formerly Lycopersicon esculentum)
Library Name: Tomato root of CBF1-5 transgenic plant library
Total Sequences: 557 sequences from 561 clones
Average Sequence Length:598.1 (Standard deviation 128.7)
Type:cDNA Library
Development Stage:1.5-month old plants
Treatment Conditions:
Cloning Host:XL1
Cloning Kit:
CommentsVector: pZL1, Site_1: NotI, Site_2: SalI, Transgenic tomato plants that overexpressed Arabidopsis CBF1 grow in Hoagland`s solution normally. The root tissues are used to prepare cDNA library.
AuthorsHsieh,T.H., You,S.J. and Chan,M.T.
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