Iochroma cyaneum Genome Data

Iochroma cyaneum is a showy-flowered Andean shrub in the tomatillo subfamily (Physalideae) of the Solanaceae. When using resources and data related to this genome, please cite the following publication: Genome sequence for the blue-flowered Andean shrub Iochroma cyaneum reveals extensive discordance across the berry clade of Solanaceae.
Assembly Details 

The genome was sequenced using Nanopore and Illumina technology and was assembled with Masurca. Contigs were error-corrected with Pilon and scaffolded with Hi-C. Gaps were filled with PacBio sequence using LR_gapcloser.

Genome assembly total length: 2,716 Mb
No. of contigs: 37,881
Longest contig: 3996 kb
Contig N50: 213 kb
84.1% of the assembly is assigned to chromosomes.

Annotation Details 

Annotation was conducted using the BRAKER pipeline, making use of both GeneMark-ET and AUGUSTUS for gene prediction. Sequence data used as input included RNA-seq from corollas, vegetative tissue (shoot plus root), reproductive tissue (stamen plus pistil), and seedlings. A total of 38,625 genes were predicted.

Available Data 
Bulk Datasets (via FTP)