The Solanum lycopersicoides Genome Consortium

Solanum lycopersicoides is a wild tomato species related to the domesticated Solanum lycopersicum. When using resources and data related to this genome, please cite the following publication: A Solanum lycopersicoides reference genome facilitates insights into tomato specialized metabolism and immunity.
Assembly details 

The genome was sequenced at 90X coverage using PacBio technology and was assembled with Canu. Contigs were error-corrected with Quiver and Pilon and scaffolded with Hi-C. Gaps were filled with PacBio sequence using PBJelly.

contig total length: 1,254,763,366 bp
no contigs: 17,507
longest contig: 3,446,189 bp
contig N50: 139,475 bp

final assembly total length: 1,269,715,057 bp
no sequences: 3,096
final assembly N50: 93,894,821 bp
longest sequence: 133,820,975 bp
89.7% of the assembly is found in 12 scaffolds

Annotation details 

Augustus and snap were trained to use as predictors in the Maker pipeline. Sequence data used as input includes: PacBio IsoSeq, RNA-seq from leaves, fruit, and flowers, proteins from S. lycopersicum, S. pennellii, and refseq. A total of 37,938 genes were predicted, 34,240 of these are located on pseudomolecules.

Available Data 
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