EST details — SGN-C134505

Search information 
Request: 134505Match: SGN-C134505
Request From: SGN database generated linkMatch Type: cDNA clone internal identifier
Clone information 
SGN ID: SGN-C134505Clone name: cTOD-9-I22
cartOrder Clone
Library Name: cTODOrganism: Solanum lycopersicum (formerly Lycopersicon esculentum)

Tissue: flowers
Development Stage: anthesis-stage flowers from full grown plants

Microarray: Alias clone SGN-C182824 is on microarray TOM1: SGN-S1-1-
There is no map position defined on SGN for this EST or others in the same unigene.
Additional sequencing 
Clone: SGN-C182824 [TUS-40-J6] Trace: SGN-T196368 EST: SGN-E395042 Direction: 3' Facility: INRA
Clone: SGN-C182824 [TUS-40-J6] Trace: SGN-T196369 EST: SGN-E395043 Direction: 5' Facility: INRA
[Show information hierarchy]
Sequence Id: SGN-E331515Length: 454 bp (1038 bp untrimmed)
Status: Current VersionDirection: 5' [See links to 3' reads above]
[BLAST]  [AA Translate]
Current Unigene builds
[SGN-E331515] SGN-U573093 Tomato 200607 Build 2 15 ESTs assembled
Follow SGN-U# link for detailed information and annotations
SGN-ID: SGN-T144054 [Download] [View] Facility Assigned ID: TFDBH59TH
Submitter: Koni Sequencing Facility: TIGR
Funding Organization: National Science Foundation
Quality processing 
Processed By: SGN Basecalling Software: phred
Vector Signature: 5' sequence read, incomplete (flanking vector not found)
Passed all screens and filters
Sequence Entropy: 0.913 Expected Error Rate: 0.0157 Quality Trim Threshold: 14.5