Details for species Nicotiana tabacum
Basic information |
Scientific Name
Nicotiana tabacum
Common name
american tobacco,common tobacco,tobacco
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is one of the most studied high plant species. There are important economic reasons for this, but futhermore tobacco can be easily transformed and has a relatively short generation time (1, 2, 3). It has been widely used in pathogen response (4, 5, 6, 7), pyridine alkaloid (like nicotine) biosynthesis (8, 9, 10), cell cycle (11, 12, 13, 14), oxidative stress (15, 16) and pollen tube development studies (17, 18).
The Nicotiana tabacum genome is being sequenced by the Tobacco Genome Initiative (TGI). |
tobacco, common tobacco, American tobacco
Taxonomic information |
asterids, lamiids, Solanales, Solanaceae, Nicotianoideae, Nicotianeae, Nicotiana
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Metabolic details |
See NicotianaCyc
Genome data |
4n (allotetraploid)
Genome size
Chromosome number
Available loci |
Available maps |
Transcript Information |
Libraries (39)
KR2B, KP1B, vNtabmRNA, KR3B, KF8, KG9B, KT7B, KL4B, KT7C, TL13, TT, BL12, CHO_SL, EST_AXB, EST_CSP, EST_FLW, EST_YP, KL5B, KN6B, SAL_KST, Nt_CellSusp34_1B, AGN_ELP, EtI_NtLeaf, Xan_NtPolen, AGN_RNC, Nt_SL, Nt_DL, AGN_RPC, AvrE_NtLeaf, BY2_NtLowB, K326_NtRoot, BY2_NtInfAt, Sam_NtLeaf, MAT005, MAT001, Nt_COL, Nt_Mix1, AGN_PNL, Nt_Transf1
Phenomic Details |
SOL-100 Genome sequencing project data |
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